





  • Sabir Consulting

    Founded in 2014, the mission of Sabir Consulting is to support global organizations with recruiting strategies and ideas.

    Using innovative staffing actions, we are dedicated to enabling companies to strategically plan hirings in highly competitive markets and quickly react to hiring needs.

    Focussing on the process of developing a strong active sourcing strategy, we support and advise clients across the entire recruitment life-cycle.

  • What We Do

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    Recruitment Consulting

    We advise international organizations to model and restructure their recruitment processes. From opening vacancies to filling positions with suitable candidates to onboarding new colleagues. We will help you achieve your hiring goals in highly competitive markets.

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    Active Sourcing

    With over twenty years of recruitment experience as well as a big and relevant network, we will help you staff your most challenging positions and significantly reduce your time-of-hiring.

  • Some of our projects

    We focus on creating individual solutions for our clients, making sure to truly understand their respective needs. Being hands-on, pragmatic and flexible are key attributes of our service.

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    Recruitment Consulting

    We helped the company's marketplace team by boosting their hiring process, at a time when other talent channels dried out. We focused on recruiting senior eCommerce specialists across the EU and subsequently created a tailor-made hiring process including assessments, interview stages, and offer processes.

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    Project Management Staffing

    We were managing a ramp-up project for multiple brands of our client. Focusing on strategically planning all hiring activities including end-to-end process management and the sourcing of specialized engineers, developers, project managers, team leads and directors.

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    Active Sourcing

    We supported our client in their international expansion and helped them to move into new markets by recruiting country managers, regional business analysts, marketing professionals and HR specialists.

  • What our clients say


    CHRO / FinTech

    "I worked with Nishat both with him being in an interim onsite recruiter role and also with the sourcing support of his company Sabir Consulting. In both areas, he is amazingly professional, delivers great results, and is a pleasure to work with. He himself, but also the team members he employs are fast, result-oriented, and manage to attract and place great candidates. I can only recommend him & Sabir Consulting and hope to continue working with him many times going forward!"




    Director / Automotive

    "If I had to describe Roberta in one word, that would be a 'go-getter' - showing great initiative, she always drives topics forward and gets things done! We worked together on a recruiting concept, in which speed and agility were the key aspects and I couldn't have asked for a better person to collaborate with. Roberta is open minded, meticulous and very pragmatic in her approach."




    Head of Sales / SaaS Start-Up

    "With Roberta we found an ideal solution to support us in our hiring efforts, especially in comparison with classic headhunters. She managed to understand our culture and needs within a very short time and was able to support our team tremendously from day one. Her processes are easy to follow, streamlined and results-driven. I wish we would look for further talents because we enjoyed working with Roberta so much."

  • Executive Summary

    Click to download our Executive Summary!


    Interested in working together?

    Drop us a line!

    Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8, 81829 Munich
    +49 1577 892 0632

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    Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
    Sabir Consulting - Nishat Sabir
    Konrad-Zuse-Platz 8
    81829 München
    Telefon: +49 1577 892 0632
    E-Mail: contact@sabir-consulting.de
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